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Austin Laid Back In Home Session – Kristy and Joshua

May 9, 2019

Austin Laid Back In Home Session – Kristy and Joshua

Last summer when Bradley and I moved to Austin we were in desperate need of finding someone to be our hair stylist. We called Propaganda Hair Group which was recommended to us by a friend. I was assigned to Kristy for color and we were both assigned to Josh for our cuts. Let me tell you. These two are some of the most talented people we know. They immediately just worked their magic and have renewed our salon experience and boosted our confidence as a whole. When we first went to them we didn’t know they were a couple and after a couple more visits I just had to ask them if they could model for us for a creative session that I had in my head inspired by them.

Kristy and Joshua recently moved into this cute house here in Austin with their two dogs. We felt so inspired by the beautiful window light and quaint aesthetic in the space. They also love taking weekend rides out in the hill country  together on their gorgeous motorcycle. We took some time photographing them riding around and one of my favorite images Bradley took is down below with them riding past us through their alley. As always, it’s so refreshing creating images for fun and these two made it so easy. :)

Also, because so many people were asking us online where Kristy got her boots and her outfit here it is. Her denim jumpsuit is from Free People and her boots are from pskaufman!

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